Renal cyst
Laparoscopic resection of right renal cyst (the size is 10 cm) (Bosniak 3)
Автор: Пучков К.В.
Laparoscopic resection of right renal cyst (the size is 10 cm) (Bosniak 3) Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2017).
In this film the technique of laparoscopic resection of complex renal cyst (Bosniak 3), having the size 10 cm. Access to the cyst is done by means of bringing down the liver angle of the large colon and dissection of tissues between Toldt’s fascia and fascia Gerotae by a 5 mm LigaSure (MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN) instrument and instruments of Karl Storz Company. At the next stage the cyst is maximally excised out of the renal parenchyma, using a 5 mm LigaSure instrument and monopolar electrode. The remaining area -4 cm- is coagulated by bipolar , until dry coagulated eschar is formed. The preparation is placed into a special plastic container MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN and is removed through the umbilical access. Operation time is 1 hour.
You can read about this technique in detail on the personal cite of Professor Puchkov Konstantin Viktorovich. To go to the link.
Excision of cyst of the left kidney
Автор: Poddubny I.V.
Excision of cyst of the left kidney Professor Poddybny I.V. is performing an operation (2016).
In this video the stages of laparoscopic excision of cyst of the left kidney in a 5 year-old kid are demonstrated. The 5 mm troacars are used, a kid’s position is on the right side. The main stages of operation are the following: visualization of kidney pole with cyst, puncture of cyst, aspiration of its contents, filling in the cyst by 96 % ethanol, sclerotherapy performing, removal of spirit, excision of cyst wall along the border with parenchyma of kidney, additional handling of remaining lining (5 % iodine, bipolar coafulation).
Laparoscopic left resection of kidney (the tumour is 2.5 cm in the kidney hilus)
Автор: Puchkov K.V.
Laparoscopic left resection of kidney (the tumour is 2.5 cm in the kidney hilus).
Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2016).
In this film the technique of laparoscopic left resection of kidney for malignant tumour (2.5 cm), located in the kidney hilus, is presented , as well as excision of renal cyst (7 cm). Kidney mobilization and dissection of the renal artery are done with the help of a 5 mm LigaSure (MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN) instrument and Karl Storz Company instruments. At the first stage the renal cyst is exposed and resected –it is located along the external contour of the kidney. The bed is handled by a monopolar electrode in the mode of “spray” coagulation. Then a vascular De Bekey forceps are temporarily applied onto the renal artery. Kidney resection is performed by Harmonic Scalpel Ethicon instrument within the boundaries of healthy tissues. For the sake of additional hemostasis the wound is covered by Tachocomb plate (Austria) Then forceps are removed from the renal artery, and blood supply is restored in the kidney. Ischemia time is 18 minutes. The tumour is placed into a special plastic container MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN, that is removed from the umbilical access. Operation duration is 50 minutes.
You can read about this technique in detail on the personal cite of Professor Puchkov Konstantin Viktorovich. To go to the link.
Laparoscopic resection of left renal cyst (7 cm) (Bosniak 3)
Автор: Puchkov K.V.
Laparoscopic resection of left renal cyst (7 cm) (Bosniak 3) Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2015).
In this film the technique of laparoscopic resection of complex renal cyst (Bosniak 3) , having the size 7 cm, located at the posterior wall, is presented. Access to the cyst is done by means of bringing down the splenic angle of the large colon and dissection of tissues between Toldt’s fascia and fascia Gerotae by a 5 mm Ligasure (MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN) instrument and Karl Storz Company instruments. At the next stage exposed and removed lower pole of kidney with the cyst is placed into a plastic container MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN for the sake of prophilaxis of dissemination of the contents of the container in the abdominal cavity. Then, using ultrasonic scissors MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN, the cyst is maximally excised out of the renal parenchyma. The remaining part, 4 cm, is coagulated by a monopolar electrode in non-contact mode , until dry coagulated eschar is formed. For the sake of additional hemostasis the wound is covered by hemostatic PerClot (Italy). Operation time is 1 hour
You can read about this technique in detail on the personal cite of Professor Puchkov Konstantin Viktorovich. To go to the link.