Лапароскопическая сальпингостомия
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Laparoscopic salpingostomy according to M. Bruat with manual stitching
The author: Пучков К.В.
Laparoscopic salpingostomy according to M. Bruat with manual stitching.
Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2017).
A 29 year-old patient is operated on for the secondary infertility on the background of chronic salpingitis and left hydrosalpinx. During operation chromosalpingoscopy has been performed, and during this procedure obstruction of the left fallopian tube in its terminal part has been found out, the same thing in the right tube as peritubary adhesion has been present. Salpingoovariolysis has been performed both sides. The video presents the technique of salpingostomy according to M. Bruat. Fixation of fibrial part of fallopian tube is done by placing an atraumatic suture, using resorbable “Polysorb” 4-0 thread, forming an intracorporeal knot. Then a careful washing of operation zone is done by saline solution and introduction of anticommissural gel. Operation time is 40 minutes.