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Laparoscopic subtotal resection of stomach according to Roux

Laparoscopic subtotal resection of stomach according to Roux.
Professor A.Forgione (Italy) is performing an operation (2017).

In this video the technique of laparoscopic subtotal resection of stomach according to Roux for cancer of the antral part is presented. Mobilization of stomach along the greater curvature and lesser curvature is done with the help of a 5 mm Harmonic Scalpel Ethicon instrument. Stitching of colon and stomach is done by a linear endoscopic Ethicon apparatus, using 60 mm white and blue casettes. Gastrointestinal anastomosis and interintestinal anastomosis are formed by a linear endoscopic Ethicon apparatus by a 45 mm blue cassette. The preparation is placed into a special plastic container MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN, that is removed at the end of operation through the expanded access.

Simultaneous laparoscopic partial resection of stomach and fundoplication with cruroraphy

Simultaneous laparoscopic partial resection of stomach and fundoplication with cruroraphy.

Laparoscopic stage - Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2017), endoscopic diagnostics- D-r Tishchenko E.S. is performing.
Operation is performed for leiomyoma of the antral part of the stomach (2.5 cm at the distance of 3 cm from the pyloric part) and for hiatal hernia. In the video intraoperation gastroscopy is presented, with the marking of the resection area, then the technique of dissection of the area of the greater curvature of stomach by a 5 mm LigaSure MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN instrument is presented, as well. At the next stage resection of the stomach part is done by the linear stitching Endo GIA MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN apparatus in the transverse direction under the guidance of gastroscopy. .The preparation is placed into the plastic container and is removed from the abdominal cavity. Then mobilization of gastroesophageal isthmus is done by a 5 mm LigaSure instrument, then cruroraphy and bylateral partial fundoplication according to Toupet (270 g) with the help of interrupted intracorporeal sutures is performed. Operation duration is 1 hour 20 minutes.

You can read about this technique in detail on the personal cite of Professor Puchkov Konstantin Viktorovich. To go to the link.

Laparoscopic partial resection of stomach

Laparoscopic partial resection of stomach

Laparoscopic stage-Prof. Puchkov K.V. is performing (2017), endoscopic diagnostics- D-r Tishchenko E.S. is performing.
The operation is performed for leiomyoma of the antral part of the stomach (2.5 cm at the distance of 3 cm from the pyloric part) and for hiatal hernia. In the film intraoperation gastroscopy is shown, with the marking of the resection area, then the technique of dissection of the area of the greater curvature by a 5 mm LigaSure MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN instrument. At the next stage in the longitudinal direction the part of stomach is resected by a linear stitching apparatus Endo GIA MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN with a 60 mm casette. The preparation is placed into a plastic container and is removed from the abdominal cavity. Operation duration is 30 minutes.



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