Laparoscopic rectopexy
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Laparoscopic rectopexy
The author: Poddubny I.V.
Laparoscopic rectopexy. Professor Poddubny I.V. is performing an operation (2016).
A rare technique for children is presented in this video-laparoscopic rectopexy, a 14 year—old teenager is operated on for solid ulcer of rectum on the background of its chronic prolapse. 3 troacars have been used, and a patient is in Trendelenburg ‘s position. Stages of operation are shown briefly in this video: mobilization of rectum up to the muscles of the pelvic floor, positioning of mesh, made of polypropylene, behind the rectum, its fixation by stitches - to the sacral bone and colon, complete peritonization of mesh with stitching of abdomen defects.