Cancer of vulva
Laparotomic and perineal total exenteration of small pelvis with expanded vulvectomy and extirpation of rectum
Автор: Todua I.V.
Laparotomic and intermediate total exenteration of small pelvic with the expanded vulvectomy and rectum extirpation.Doctor Todua I.V. is performing an operation (2017).
In this video the technique of total exenteration of small pelvis with the expanded vulvectomy and extirpation of rectum in a 69 year-old patient, operated in 2016 with the further chemoradial therapy, is demonstrated. The local relapse in 2017 with involvement of the urinary bladder and rectum took place. The operation starts with the perineal access and removal of tumour, urinary bladder and extirpation of rectum en block. Then the perineal wound is closed according to VRAM technique. And finally, the abdominal stage begins with urine diversion into the iliac colon and exteriorization of colostoma onto the abdominal wall.