Laparoscopic tubectomy
Laparoscopic tubectomy in case of ectopic pregnancy
Автор: Puchkov K.V.
Laparoscopic tubectomy in case of ectopic pregnancy. Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2017).
The operation is performed in case of progressive ectopic pregnancy, the term of pregnancy is 5 weeks. The patient is 39. In her anamnesis it is mentioned that she has been operated on for tubectomy on the left and for three cesarean sections.150 ml of blood have been found out during the operation. In the right fallopian tube fetus, having the sizes 4x2 cm, has been determined. For fast and successful operation performing Clermont Ferrand (KARL STORZ) uterine manipulator and a 5 mm Harmonic Scalpel Ethicon instrument are used. With the help of them tubectomy on the right is done. The dissected fallopian tube is removed from the abdominal cavity in a special plastic container. Then a careful lavage of operation zone by means of the saline solution is done. After that anticommisural gel is introduced. Operation duration is 15 minutes.
Laparoscopic tubectomy and removal of paroophoritic giant cyst (6 litres) on the left and paroophoritic cyst on the right (300mL)
Автор: Puchkov K.V.
Laparoscopic tubectomy and removal of paroophoritic giant cyst (6 litres) on the left and paroophoritic cyst on the right (300mL).
Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2016).
In this video the technique of operation stage is presented. It is removal of the left fallopian tube and giant paroophoritic cyst (6 litres), using laparoscopic way, by means of a 5 mm Liga Sure MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN instrument. A 40 year-old patient is operated on. Preliminary the cyst is dotted by a 10 mm MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN ribbed troacar, and 6000 mL of transparent fluid is evacuated from it. Cystoscopy has been performed -there are no papillary excrescences there. Then, using Liga Sure instrument, coagulation and transsection of the fallopian tube are done, and adhesions, connecting the cyst and ovary, are coagulated, as well. On the left the removal of the paroophoritic cyst is done with preserving of the fallopian tube by means of enucleation it from mesosalpinx. Operation is performed fast and without blood loss. Then the removed preparation has been removed with the help of a plastic container. Operation duration is 60 minutes.
The details of this technique you can read on the personal cite of Professor Puchkov K.V. To go to the link