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Endocrine surgeon Martin Strik is a leading European specialist in miniinvasive surgery of the thyroid gland.
Professor Martin Strik , M.D., is the Head Doctor of the clinic of general, visceral and oncological surgery and the leader of the centre of pathology of intestines of the University in Berlin. He is the Head doctor of Helios Kliniken (Berlin, Germany). The main trend of his activity is use of miniinvasive surgery for treatment of benign and malignant diseases of GIT and endocrine organs (the so- called “key hole surgery”), introduction of innovational and protective for patients techniques of operations – “fast track surgery” into the oncology. Professor Martin Strik has elaborated a protective technique of surgical treatment of tumours of thyroid gland, using axillo-bilateral breast approach (ABBA).
Helios-Kliniken-Berlin, where Professor Strik is the Head doctor, presents a big hospital with the number of hospital beds 1,000; it is a clinical academic base of George August Hettingen University. The hospital is included into the net of 60 clinics and specialized centres, situated in all big cities of Germany, it guarantees intensive exchange of knowledge and techniques among the staff and fast introduction of any innovations. The Hospital Slogan ” Carefulness, transparency and honesty” determines the life of the hospital.
Professor Martin Strik is the President of New European Surgical Academy (the U.S.A. – Canada) (NESA), based in 2004, and that unites more than 200 prominent surgeons from 35 countries of the world. The basic trend of NESA activity is optimizing of the schemes of surgical treatment and the International transfer of the surgical “know-how” in the field of general surgery, surgical gynecology, urology, otorhinolaryngology and anesthesia, resuscitation. One of the main principles of NESA surgeons is elaboration of natural orifice surgery and scarless operations – NOS / SLO.
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