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uterine cancer

Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy

Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy
Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2017)

A 52 year-old patient is operated on for cancer of endometrium (adenocarcinoma, size is 4 cm, invading to endometrium more than 50 %, G 2). Video presents the technique of radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy for cancer of endometrium. Hysterectomy is performed by means of a 5 mm LigaSure instrument (MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN) and ultrasound dissector of Ethicon company. Ultrasound use helps to “weld” thin lymphatic vessels. As lymphorrhea is absent, there is no need to drain the abdominal cavity after operation. A special attention should be paid to the restorative period – stitching of vagina and its attaching to sacrouteral ligaments for the sake of prophilaxis of prolapse after operation.

You can read about this technique in detail on the personal cite of Professor Puchkov Konstantin Viktorovich. To go to the link.

Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with the pelvic lymphadenectomy

Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with the pelvic lymphadenectomy.
Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2011)

In this video the technique of the radical hysterectomy with the pelvic lymphadenectomy in case of cancer of endometrium is presented. Hysterectomy is performed with the help of a 10 mm Liga Sure MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN instrument. There is an indication to remove nodes en block while performing lymphadenectomy; the ultrasonic dissectors, produced by MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN and Ethicon companies, are used. Ultrasound use gives a possibility to “weld” thin lymphatic ducts properly to prevent from lymphorrhea development. And there is no need to use drainage after the operation. A special attention is paid to the restoration stage-stitching of vagina –stitching it to the sacrouterine ligaments to prevent from prolapse of uterus after operation.

You can read about this technique in detail on the personal cite of Professor Puchkov Konstantin Viktorovich. To go to the link.

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